Part 23: Monday's Turmoil (Coda)
Monday's Turmoil (Coda)[Music: Exploration]

So, today we'll be finishing off what little remains to do on Monday. Of course, Hibiki did gain a couple of levels from kicking Merak around so as per usual lets work on our team a bit. First though, we're going to need to buy some supplies.

Since we've spent a fair bit of Macca in the auction already, and have gotten far enough into the main game now, we can gain access to a new rank.

All we have to do is spent an extra 1k and we can start buying new demons from the auction. There's no reason not to do so, so when we do...

We can start buying slightly higher tier of demons. And Itsumade is considered Gold for some reason. Uh, okay sure. All we want right now is a Bilwis, so I grab one that's at 5 stars and...

Fuse it with the Mokoi we made previously. This gives us Waira who's the Wilder above Hare of Inaba. He's much more combat oriented, and worked out nicely for us having relatively balanced stats.

This makes the Hare of Inaba we still have lying around basically worthless. Might as well take this opportunity to fuse it with Kijimunaa and make a Moh Shuvuu of our own.
This currently leaves us with exactly 8 demons lying around. Problem is 2 of those are Kikimora, and they're a bit too low level (their base is 9) to manage to keep up come Tuesday. Plus Hibiki's almost a high enough level to make the next Femme anyway so let's take this opportunity to do something fancy.

If we take the two of them, and fuse them together we can make something special. This will give us one of four peculiar demons whos sole use is basically skill transferrance. Catch is, of course, you can't get that kind of versatility for free so you gotta pay for it. It doesn't matter which Element you make, you need an extra 1000 macca to use.

We have just that, and so we can make an Aquans. Now, he has Ice Dance by default and nothing else. Elements have no race skill, they only have one innate skill and its usually pretty good. This particular Aquans isn't one I fused with the intent of using as a fusion material immediately so I specced him more for combat. That 18 Magic in particular is fantastic and makes it a very heavy hitter right now.
...Only now we're a demon short. Since we made 3 of the 4 new possible recruits, lets fill that gap with the fourth. Because of my lack of viable fodder, however, we need to go shopping.
This might get a bit complicated, so try and keep up.
We need 2 demons to make it, a Toubyou and a Heqet. Problem is, we only have the Heqet and nothing to make one we can use as an ingredient nor do we have anything to make a Toubyou either. To make those two, we need 3 demons to use as ingredients here. 2 of them are more Kikimoras, 1 is a Hare of Inaba and the last is a Gagyson. Gagyson is easy enough to get, so I just buy a 5-star one from the Gold auction.
[Music: Special Auction]

Hare of Inaba is equally easy to get as all I need is to buy a 4-star one (there is no 5-star), and then this happens. A Special Auction is perfect because it gives us access to a particular skill we wouldn't get otherwise. 2 of them, even, but we only care about one.

Special Auctions work a bit different to normal. They're usually cheaper than regular demons, a higher level and often (but not always) give very different skills. This is where we're getting one of those two Kikimoras, and that Anti-Fire is why. The Nigayomogi is nice, but not a big deal.

Bidding on a Special is also slightly different. There's a 5 second time limit to try and bid as crazy as possible to force the AI to quit. Doesn't work as well as I'd like as often as I'd like, so I just sit this 5 second period out. That will almost always leave the price managably low still, and progresses to something much more familiar.

We now put in a "Final Bid" which is functionally identical to the bidding process for a regular demon. Put in your price, the game reveals the others, highest wins.

Because this stage works as normal, we can game the shit out of it and get the Kikimora with no trouble. The only thing different at this point is once you win/lose, other special auctions may have taken place at the same time. You cannot ever get every Special demon available, so you have to pick carefully.
I also take this opportunity to buy a Special Knocker (no unique skills) and a 4-star Kabuso. These two fuse together to make our second necessary Kikimora.

The Special Kikimora and the 5-star Gagyson are combined next, to make Toubyou. I gave it Anti-Elec (Gagyson's 5-star bonus) for a reason here. It seems redundant, but if I'm remembering something right this will help later.

Next the 4-star Hare, and the last remaining Kikimora fuse together to make the Heqet we're using as fodder. Finally, we fuse the Toubyou and Heqet together to make...

Tenong Cut. That was a convoluted process to make, but it was necessary because we had nothing that would help create it. I could've just bought one from the auction (it's what unlocked after we hung out with Yamato) but then that one wouldn't have had Anti-Fire. Important because a normal Tenong Cut has a Fire weakness.
...That was a convoluted as all hell chain, and it may have been a bit hard to follow. So here's a crudely drawn family tree kinda thing to get the idea of what just happened:

I'm sure there were much, much simplers ways of accomplishing basically the same thing. It just wouldn't be quite the same if I didn't inadvertantly make it much more complicated than it needed to be though.
And this was just for a level 16 demon. He probably won't be around for very long either. Almost a waste, but at least it added one (or potentially two) Anti-element skills to the fusion pool a little early. That alone makes it worthwhile.

We could've really just waited until Tuesday to do this, honestly, but it's out of the way now. Let's have a relaxing chat with the ladies of the party.
[Music: Exploration]

Hinako walks in as the members run out...

[Music: A Moment of Rest]

Hinako drags Joe away...

Hinako makes one, so let's move onto Io for number 2.
[Music: Exploration]

[Music: A Moment of Rest]

Io plays along with you...

The man walks away, grumbling.

You and Io walk away...

At this point, we're railroaded for the rest of the day. Y'know, what little of it still remains.
[Music: Exploration]

Io jumps, startled...

It seems Hinako happened to be passing by...

Ursa Major, of course, is latin for "larger bear" and is probably one of the most well known constellations. The particular aspect that we're most interested in, however, is an asterism that I'd go so far as to say is the most well known.

Io explains about Dubhe and Merak...

You leave the area with Io...

It's been fun in Osaka, we learned some neat things and met a cool lady but it's time to leave.
[Music: Over the Brink of Death]

[Music: A Moment of Rest]

Ordinarily, a choice like this wouldn't be a big deal. In this case, however, it is. If we select "That's strange..." then...

We get to see this special sprite. What makes it so special? There's only 6 places it turns up. Only 3 of which are available on any given playthrough; the other 3 are all mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, this is the wrong answer here so we're not actually doing this.

You took the Calamari Youkan from Keita...

Keita looks a Joe...

It doesn't seem that Joe is eager to go to Nagoya...

[Music: In The Devastated Town]

We're gonna stop by Nagoya to drop Daichi off, on the way back to Tokyo.

Now we've only got one last thing to do, and that's sleep, but first let's do a free battle. Something special happens in this one you see.

[Music: Countdown]

The men don't seem to hear Joe in their panic...

We're not actually going to do the fight, but it's a new mechanic that doesn't turn up in free battles that often. It's not too different to the fight from the Festival Gate, where we need to get next to a static NPC and use a talking command. In this case, it makes the helpless NPCs begin to move towards escape points.
Or, y'know, you can just kill all the demons who try and beeline for those guys while ignoring you. Either/or.

Welp, not really our problem. Let's just go to bed.
[Music: In The Devastated Town]

With the second day done, we now get messages from a couple of our friends.

Well, I'll hold up my end of things here, and you do the same in Tokyo!